Work at MathGPTPro

Join MathGPTPro and revolutionize edtech! Our goal: simplify math learning for all with AI, making it interactive, fun, and efficient. Contribute in coding, marketing, or user support, helping students instantly solve math problems through photos or text. Shape global math education, one problem at a time.
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About Us
MathGPTPro ( is at the forefront of revolutionizing the way K-12 and college students engage with math and STEM subjects. Backed by Y Combinator, we're building an interactive, personalized learning platform to make education accessible, enjoyable, and effective for everyone. Our core team is based in Silicon Valley, consisting of alumni from Berkeley, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon University, engineers and scientists from top tech companies. We have a large user base already, and our research team offers state-of-the-art AI math problem-solving accuracy (significant improvement over GPT4). Join us in shaping the future of personalized learning.
Open positions at our team